Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Love Jesus. Love One Another. Love. Love. Love! This Slays All Evil
Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg to the World Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA on February 2, 2025 - Feast of the Presentation and Candlemas

My dear little children praised be Jesus.
When you physically feel Jesus’ love for you, and realize how much He Loves you, your life changes forever. You become inebriated with peace and security. His satiated Love consumes you and you will not be afraid. You will Trust Him in EVERY circumstance you face while living on earth. This is because Jesus WILL take care of you, and you believe it. There is not one hair on your head or grain of sand that is not accounted for in your life. When you are doing the Will of the Father, your love becomes the Love of Jesus, and you know He will take care of you and that you have nothing to fear.
It is a beautiful FREEDOM. This is important for you to embrace and understand.
A time of tribulation is predicted. I have told you to pray and to prepare. Your soul must be ready to see the Face of God. If you truly Trust Him, there is nothing to fear. He WILL take care of you. Your true security is in Jesus, and you have a clear conscience.
Do not fear the “unknown”. Love Jesus. Love one another. Love. Love. Love! This slays all evil.
Jesus LOVES you, as I do, little children. I bless you as Mother of God and take your petitions to Him, your Savior. Jesus will take care of everything. He is your LIGHT in the darkness.
Ad Deum
Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!
Source: ➥